I N C I D E N T A L S , B Y P R O D U C T S & R E M A I N S

Campbell SOUP Company
May 19, 1964
Mr. A. Warhol
1342 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York
Dear Mr. Warhol:
I have followed your career for some time. Your work has evoked a great deal of interest here at Campbell Soup Company for obvious reasons.
At one time I had hoped to be able to acquire one of your Campbell Soup label paintings - but I'm afraid you have gotten much too expensive for me.
I did want to tell you, however, that we admired your work and I have since learned that you like Tomato Soup. I am taking the liberty of having a couple of cases of our Tomato Soup delivered to you at this address.
We wish you continued success and good fortune.
William P. MacFarland
Product Marketing Manager