The Reanimation Library is organized by Andrew
Beccone is organized by the Reanimation Library

Interns and Volunteers
The Reanimation Library loves its interns and volunteers very, very much. Without them, the library wouldn't function nearly as well.
Kate Dundon, Spring 2006
Jessa Lingel, Fall 2007/Spring 2008
Ivy Marvel, Spring/Summer 2009
Rubyliza Gaba, Fall 2009/Spring 2010
Sylvia Page, Summer 2010
Nicholas Kramer, Spring 2011
Zelda Blair, Spring/Fall 2011
Alena Marchak, Summer/Fall 2011
Corina Bardoff, Fall 2011
Leslie Barnes, Winter/Spring 2012
Maria Hill, Spring 2012
Michael Iovino, Spring/Summer 2012
Carly Dashiel, Summer/Fall 2012
Nik Dragovic, Fall/Winter 2012/13
Sarah Bertie, Fall 2012
Phoebe Glick, Fall/Spring 2015/16
Ella Kinsman, Spring/Summer 2016
Mabel Taylor, Summer 2016
Ariel Finch, Spring 2018
Julianna Donovan, Summer 2018
Leigh Hurwitz, Spring 2013-Spring 2014
Gina Shelton, Summer 2013-Spring 2014
Nicole Antebi, Fall 2013
Chloé Wilcox, Winter 2014

Improvisational Anthropogenic Climate Change Task Forces
As humans continue to accelerate their unfortunate habit of converting petroleum from Earth-based fluids into atmospheric gases, the planet's environment appears to be headed into a tailspin. For 9 years, the library was housed in a building on the bank of the Gowanus Canal—one of the nation's most polluted industrial waterways—which happens to be located in New York City's hurricane evacuation Zone A. Each time a hurricane threatened New York—an event that is happening with increasing frequency—the library was packed up and moved to a higher floor. These good people helped accomplish this tedious task.
Hurricane Irene Tactical Evasion Response Team | August 27, 2011
Corina Bardoff
Paul Bravman
Hans Erik
Jim Hanas
Alexandra Ringe
Tessa Sutton
Hurricane Sandy Tactical Evasion Response Team | October 28, 2012
Krista Dragomer
Sarah Gentile
Sara O'Keeffe
Emmanuel Quartey
Rachel Rosenfelt
I-Huei Wang
Sarah Workneh
Post-Sandy Reinstall | November 24th, 2012
Nik Dragovic
Nelson Harst
Leigh Hurwitz
Ute Zimmerman

The library is extremely grateful for the donation of material from the following individuals and organizations:
Kate Adler
Anita Allyn
Nicole Antebi
Hannah Barrett
Chris Beccone
Jean Beccone
Lew Beccone
Kim Beck
Joshua Beckman
Kate Bell
Abraham Bers
Anita Bers
Rachel Bers
Jen Bervin
Frank Bevan
James Bewley
Doro Boehme
Julian Brolaski
Buzz Burrage
Helen Burrage
Chalkley Calderwood
Sasha Chavchavadze
Aileen Chuk
Nora Clancy
Pamela Clapp
Alyssa Corelick
Ward Daveny
Eric Dean
Hans Diernberger
Bob Dornberger
Brandon Downing
Joanna Ebenstein
Kristin Brenneman Eno
Sean Eno
Sarah Feldstein
Nicolas Ferreira
Marc Fischer
Dave Gardner
David Gatten
David Giedd
Sue Geier
Catherine Gleason
Heidi Golden
Charles Goldman
Steve Griffin
E. Tracy Grinnell
Gay Haroutunian
Nelson Harst
Nancy Haselbacher
Christian Hawkey
Laura Heit
Kate Henderson
Robin Hendrickson
Jen Hofer
Jess Hopeman
Leigh Hurwitz
Megan Hustad
Bettina Hutschek
David Johnson
Michael Kassner
Jennifer Kornhorst
Daniel Kricheff
Tom La Farge
Jim Leehan
Georgia Leet
Elizabeth Lincoln
Jessa Lingel
Rose Lord
Jon Lyman
Tim Mac
Michelle Maguire
Richard Merle
Bill Miller
John Munshour
Frances Olsen
Chris Peknik
Beth Petsan
Lado Pochkhua
Nicki Pombier Berger
Teddy Quinn
Gabriella Radujko
Kate Rawlinson
Rob Ray
John Reed
Adam Reitano
Jarrod Riddle
Tim Ries
Dennis R. Riley
Alexandra Ringe
Dean Rock
Loretta Rock
Jamie Rollins
Bill Scanga
Katharine Burrage Schmitt
Jacob Sharff
Nancy Sheppard
Rory Solomon
Laurel Sparks
Sally Sturman
Junette Teng
Judy Tillinger
Paul Vancura
Christina Vaule
Rosalind Vaule
Wendy Walker
Becka Warren
Max Warsh
Eric Waterman
Andrew Werth
Chris Wiley
Rachael Wilson
Milo Wissig
Uljana Wolf
Brooklyn College Library
The Brooklyn Museum Library
Norwich Public Library
Public Knowledge
Pequot Library
Pratt Institute Library
Prelinger Library
Word Up Community Bookstore

This site debuted in May 2005, and was last updated on Janurary 16th, 2019.