Hadley Branch
Flying Object, Hadley, MA
March 13 - April 27, 2014
Organized in conjunction with Guy Pettit
Hadley Branch consisted of approximately 45 books sourced from thrift stores, used bookstores, and antique shops in Western Massachusetts. In addition to these books, the branch also featured a response exhibition of writing and visual art entitled Animal Ranch. Participating artists and writers included Dan Chelotti, Ben Estes, Phoebe Bulkeley Harris, Emily Hunt, Emma Kohlmann, Ted Lee, John Moloney, Will Rhodes, Anna Slezak, Haley Thompson, and Wendy Xu. A scanning station was available for visitor use.
Hadley St. Branch at the Flying Object website
Animal Ranch at the Flying Object website
The Acoustics of Orchestral Instruments and of the Organ
Airborne Camera: The World From the Air and Outer Space
Atlas of United States History
Body Hot Spots: The Anatomy of Human Social Organs and Behavior
Can You Believe Your Eyes?: Over 250 Illusions and Other Visual Oddities
Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Clouds and Weather Phenomena: For Artists and Other Lovers of Nature
Crater Lake: The Story of its Origin
Differential Diagnosis of the Electrocardiogram
Dissection of the Brain
The Effects of Atomic Weapons
Fluorescent Lighting Manual
Fresh and Salt Water Spinning
Frozen Earth: Explaining the Ice Ages
Giving Birth Together: The Modern Parents Home Program of Natural Childbirth Exercises With Case Histories, Illustrations, and More Than 50 Photographs
A Guide to the Birds of Taiwan
Hand Analysis: A Technique for Knowledge of Self and Others
A Happier Sex Life
Hypnotism and the Power Within
Life of the Wayside and Woodland: When, Where, and What to Observe and Collect
The Lüscher Color Test: The Remarkable Test that Reveals Personality through Color
Molecular Biology of the Gene
The Nervous System: An Elementary Handbook of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
Operating Systems: A Pragmatic Approach
Paint, Powder and Make-Up: The Art of Theater Make-Up from the Amateur and Class Room Viewpoint
A Phonographic Amanuensis: A Presentation of Pitman Phonography, More Especially Adapted to the Use of Business and Other Schools Devoted to the Instruction and Training of Shorthand Amanuenes
Player Piano: The History of the Mechanical Piano and How to Repair It
Practical Graphology: Or The Science of Reading Character Through Handwriting
Psychology of Music
The Rat Brain: A Stereotaxic Atlas of the Forebrain and Lower Parts of the Brain Stem
Rhythms of Vision: The Changing Patterns of Belief
Rolfing: The Integration of Human Structures
The Senses
Sleep: Its Nature and Physiological Organization
Solar Energy Planning: A Guide to Residential Settlement
The Speech Chain: The Physics and Biology of Spoken Language
The Story of the Aurora Borealis
Submarine Canyons and Other Sea Valleys
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants
Tube Trains Under London: A Short History of London Transport Tube Rolling Stock
Understanding Sound
Vision in Man and Machine
The World's Civil Marine Aircraft